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Uncategorized May 03, 2022

There is no “I” in team, but there is definitely “YOU” in commYOUnication. Communication is a process that begins with you, and no one can do it exactly like you do. We all have our own communication style, quips and quirks that are unique to us, and ways of saying things that set us apart from the crowd.

Communication is a huge umbrella that covers a variety of skills, topics, and practices. Perhaps this is why so many people feel inadequately prepared to communicate confidently. In school, we only have so much time to learn how to format an essay or story and we usually pick up new words for our vocabulary toolbox along the way. But these are very basic skills, and we all absorb them at different levels. 

It is the not-so-basic skills that we really need to be taught. Today I am going to share a few of those with you. Now, these are all aspects of communication that we have discussed before, so there’s nothing new here, but the importance of these skills and traits cannot be overstated. 

So, let’s dive in!

A few months back, I shared with you the 5 C’s of communication. (⬅️  click there to check it out). The first of those C’s is the one thing that I believe leads to better communication and better understanding: CLARITY.

Clarity is the foundation of effective communication. So often we get lost in our words that we end up saying everything except what we NEED to say. We get overwhelmed wondering if people will listen to us, if they will be inconvenienced by what we have to say, or if they might take offense to our words…when really, just getting to the point and speaking your piece, will do the trick! If you need something from someone, clearly tell them what you need. If you have urgent business that needs attention, say so (see last week’s post about urgency HERE). Clarity is especially important in any situation involving sales/money or deadlines so make sure you keep it simple and keep it clear!

Another very important, but commonly overlooked aspect of communication is PERCEPTION. If we define communication as the creation, transmission, reception, and perception of information, then perception is 25% of the equation. Yet so often we forget about it – it is the ugly duckling of the communication process. We tell someone to do something or hit “send” on an email and then we forget about it. But, by forgetting about it, we have neglected the last part of the communication process: Perception.

Remember that perception is reality, maybe not for you, but for those that are on the receiving end of your communication. That reality is what will shape their idea of you and what you are asking of or telling them. Be conscious of how your words will be interpreted by those reading or hearing them so you can ensure they develop the correct perception. 

The next stop on our communication skills tour is active listening. Simon Sinek said, “Listening is more than the act of hearing – it is creating an environment in which others FEEL heard.” Active listening is about paying attention to what others say (and what they don’t say), as well as understanding what they mean by it. Don’t just wait for your turn to speak or nonchalantly interrupt with an opinion or comment. When someone else speaks, listen with intent. Acknowledge them, make eye contact, ask questions, show them that you value their insight. This can be done with written correspondence as well. If someone sends you an email asking for guidance or clarification, read the full email and be sure to respond to ALL the questions they ask. Then provide some additional clarity if needed. Always listen to understand, NOT to respond.

Communication is a multi-faceted process. I hope this post has reminded you that communication is about so much more than just learning new words or writing in a certain way. It is a powerful tool you can use to build connections, foster relationships, and achieve great success!

I’d love to help you zoom in on issues you are facing with communication! Maybe you need help writing clearer emails, creating templates that can save you time, or sounding more confident when you speak. Whatever your needs, I would love to get to know you and see if we would be a good fit to work together! Click HERE to book your FREE discovery call and see how you can make communicating YOUR superpower!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!