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Uncategorized Dec 27, 2022

It’s over. 2022 has come to an end. I am a little bit shocked that it has been 12 months already. It seems like it flew by in an instant and I still have so much I need and want to accomplish! 

In keeping with the mindset of “Progress over Perfection,” I want to switch the focus. I know most of us are evaluating our 2022 goals to see if we reached them and then we are busy setting new ones for 2023. I’d also guess that most of us are beating ourselves up about the goals we missed or didn’t reach this year. I am just as guilty as the rest of you with this.

But today, instead of getting hung up on the things I have left on my goals and to-do lists, I want to take a minute to reflect on all the things I DID accomplish this year. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to make a list of the things you did achieve this year. It can be easy to fall into the guilt trip of not accomplishing your big goals, but it is so important to acknowledge the wins you had along the way!

I’ll get the party started with my list of achievements!

  1. Read 13 books, completed 2 more on audible
  2. Published a new article to my website every single week
  3. Joined a women’s networking group (this is huge for my introverted self)
  4. Made so many connections with amazing women business owners and new friends
  5. Completed a coaching program (yes, even coaches hire other coaches, because we see the value in having someone help us reach our goals!)
  6. Created, hosted, and spoke at my first event
  7. Created a coaching program for all of YOU (taking applicants now to start in January!)
  8. Committed to an exercise plan and stuck to it (another really big one for me)
  9. Paid off nearly all our debt

This list isn’t everything but within all those accomplishments, I grew. I made small daily changes to help me do each of those things. And those achievements are the steppingstones to reaching the bigger goals that I still have on my list!

If you have a dream, a goal, something you are working to accomplish, it is important to stay focused on forward progress toward those goals. However, it is equally important to take pause from time to time and look back at how far you have come. All too often we get caught up in the “I still have this to do” or “I have so much work to do to accomplish ___________” that we forget to see just how much we have accomplished in the process.

At the beginning of 2022 I sat a goal to log 500 miles of walking. I knew exactly how many miles I’d need to walk per month, even per week, to get there. I also knew that I’d walk more in the warmer months than in the colder ones. I got new walking shoes and made sure I had all the gear necessary to reach my goal. At the halfway point of the year, I decided that I wanted to incorporate other exercises into my daily fitness, so I adjusted the walking goal to 400 miles to allow me to still reach my goal while incorporating other exercises into the mix.

Fast forward to today, there’s 4 days left in the year, and I have logged 380 miles. Now, chances of me walking 5 miles a day for the next 4 days, are slim to none. It’s raining nonstop and I rarely go more than 3 miles in any single walk. I know and accept that I won’t reach the full goal of 400 miles. I knew that a month ago. But I didn’t let that stop me from pushing forward.

I could’ve given up in November after losing 2 weeks of walking to illness. But I didn’t. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control (or even within our control) that cause us to fall short of the goals we have set. That is A-okay!

When I took pause to look at my goal and accept that I wouldn’t reach the full distance, I didn’t get upset with myself or give up. Instead, I looked at how far I did go, how many miles I did log. I walked 380 miles this year, intentionally. I am 380 miles farther in my walking/running/fitness journey than I was 365 days ago. Even though I didn’t reach my goal, I am miles ahead of where I started (literally!).

With that, my hope for you in the coming year is that you will set goals that will challenge you but that you will give yourself grace if you find you won’t reach them. When you create a plan to reach your goals, you know exactly what needs to happen to reach them. Time isn’t the dictator of you reaching those goals. If it takes you longer than you planned, no big deal. If you have to make adjustments as you go, IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL! You can still reach your goals, even though they may look different when you reach them than they did when you sat them!

I am excited to continue diving into the discussion on goals, plans, perfection, progress, and all that comes with those things over the next year. I truly believe that by reprogramming the ways we think about failure, progress, and success, we can create bigger change in our lives and have a bigger impact on those we serve!

I hope you have a chance to reflect on all that YOU have accomplished in 2022! Happy New Year and I’ll see you next year!

I currently have 6 openings for 1 on 1 coaching starting in January. Click HERE to book a FREE discovery call to see if working together can benefit you in 2023. I can’t wait to connect with you!

I hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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