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networking Apr 18, 2023

The response from my last article about the value of small talk has been amazing! It got a lot of you asking questions and wondering HOW to effectively engage in small talk. I love the conversations around this topic because for some reason, even the most confident experts and leaders can struggle to make small talk when in new environments or networking situations.

Humans are social creatures by nature, so why do we get awkward and uncomfortable in social situations? I can’t answer that question, but today I am giving you 6 ways to engage in small talk or ease into a new social situation that can help you feel less nervous and more confident. 

1. Bring a friend: The easiest way to feel more comfortable at a networking event or in an unfamiliar social situation, is to bring a friend. By bringing a friend you ensure that you know at least one person in the room and will have someone to talk to if you aren’t able to break into a conversation with others. Having a friend also provides another party to be part of a conversation if someone approaches you to chat. A three-person conversation can be much easier to navigate than a 2-person conversation!

2. Arrive early: Another way to help ease yourself into small talk and get comfortable in a networking situation is simply to show up early. Showing up 10-15 minutes before the event starts gives you a chance to get your bearing before the crowds arrive. It also allows you to chat with any other early arrivers without the chaos of a larger crowd.

3. Keep it light: Small talk should be fun and low-key. Avoid controversial topics that can stir up negative feelings and create tension in a group.

4. Break the ice: Don’t get too worked up about how to introduce yourself. Don’t be afraid to approach someone with a simple “Hi, I’m _________, how are you?” By giving your name and asking how the other person is, you invite them into a conversation with you.

5. Listen intently: When you find yourself in a conversation with someone new, listen when they speak. You will get your chance to speak so make sure you are actively listening to the other person so that you can form a true connection with them and garner the same attention from them when you speak.

6. Use body language: Body language is a powerful form of communication. Even if you are awkward or uncomfortable, try to keep your shoulders down and relaxed, your chin level with the ground, and your arms neutral (I recommend pants or a sweater with front pockets so you can rest your hands in them).

As I mentioned in my last article, the seeds of connection are sown in small talk. I need you to remember this and keep it in the back of your mind as you implement these tips for meeting and connecting with people. Now that you know how to effectively engage in small talk, you simply need to put these tips into action so you can start building connections and cultivating relationships that will scale and serve your business for years to come!

For more communication tips, tricks, skills, and strategies, connect with me HERE! I’d love to see you over on Instagram or YouTube or on a FREE connection call!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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