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Uncategorized Aug 22, 2023

In business, building relationships with your ideal clients and potential referral partners is the linchpin to success. But what's the secret sauce to connect and resonate with these crucial contacts? It is the alignment of your communication.

Imagine trying to convert a potential client with a fantastic pitch, but your facial expressions say one thing while your posture tells yet a different story. Or consider a scenario where your written communication doesn't reflect your spoken words. These disconnects create confusion and mistrust, turning an opportunity into an obstacle.

When your written, verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication are in perfect alignment, they form a coherent and persuasive narrative. Aligned communication builds trust, credibility, and understanding, which are essential elements for cultivating long-term relationships with your clients. Remember, communication in your business is not simply about providing information; it is about creating an experience that resonates with their needs, desires, and expectations.

Now, let's delve into the specifics of these four communication elements and why alignment is not just beneficial but essential.

You've probably heard the phrase "actions speak louder than words." That is 100% true in the world of communication. Communicating isn't just about speaking words; it's a full-body experience. Let's break it down into the fundamental pieces of the puzzle.

Visual Communication: People listen with their eyes. Let that sink in. Generally, the first information people receive about you is visual. They see you walk onto a stage, or they see a thumbnail of you on social media at the start of a reel or YouTube video. Visual cues, such as your appearance, choice of wardrobe, or presentation materials bring depth to your words. They allow you to show instead of just tell. Even in virtual communication, where you might not have the full spectrum of non-verbal cues, your visual elements need to be on point. If you ever wondered why video matters on a Zoom call, it's because it helps fill in those critical visual details.

Non-Verbal Communication: Facial expressions, body position, posture, gestures, and eye contact make up the fabric of non-verbal communication. Think about how you feel when a speaker has folded arms or a stiff posture. Uncomfortable, right? It might even give away that they are nervous, unprepared, or uninspired. Even if the spoken message is amazing, misaligned non-verbal cues like "dead" arms, a tense face, or a lack of eye contact can make a great message fall flat. But when non-verbal cues align with the spoken words, they elevate the whole experience. 

Verbal Communication: This is all about the spoken words. But remember, a scrunched-up face or stiff posture can ruin even the most eloquently spoken phrase. Your spoken words are where the meat of your message lives. While visual and non-verbal communication provide solid support and can make or break your overall impression, your spoken words are where you can truly drive your message home. Verbal communication isn't just about words; it's about how those words mesh with the rest of your presentation.

Written Communication: Emails, reports, social media posts - these should support your other types of communication. While social media and email should never be the only way you communicate with your audience, they need to align with your other communication elements to provide consistency and keep your credibility at a high level. Write as you would speak and make sure it reflects your true message.

Communication alignment is like aligning the wheels on a car: it lets you drive your message home smoothly with no pull to any one specific element. When all four types of communication work in harmony, your message is powerful and clear, connecting you to your audience in an authentic and memorable way, regardless of the platform (on stage, one on one, or virtual).

Aligning visual, non-verbal, verbal, and written communication is a recipe for success. Whether you are meeting your clients in person, over the phone, via zoom, or even taking the stage for a presentation, total alignment will ensure your credibility is instantly bolstered and your message is adequately received.

To learn more about how to align your communication elements and ensure you are utilizing all the types of communication to their fullest, connect with me HERE

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Ciao for now!


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Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!