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Uncategorized Mar 22, 2022

I talk a lot about building confidence in your communication. I know it is easier to talk about confidence than it is to build it, but hopefully you are finding it a little bit easier each week as you stop by to see what we are up to at 10-4!

This week, I want to take a step back and break down my free guide for you. This guide (click HERE to grab it if you haven’t already!) outlines some of my top ways to help you easily build confidence in your ability to communicate and will have you communicating greatly in no time! Today I’m going to highlight 3 of those tricks you can use immediately!

1. STOP SAYING “UMM” We all do it. It isn’t something we think about, it is just a sound that comes from our voice when we can’t figure out what to make it say. When you are communicating in a professional setting, “umm” can be detrimental to your message, your credibility, and your business. If someone asks you a question or says something that catches you off-guard, just take a moment to let your brain kick in and then respond. Leave “umm” at home and bring your A-game!

2. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK Have you ever had a conversation with a client that didn't quite go as you had hoped? Or have you ever had one of those light-bulb moments after a conversation where you think to yourself "why didn't I say that" or "I wish I would have responded differently to that question." You likely felt that way because you responded too quickly and didn't give yourself a moment to process the information to form a better response. While experiences like this can make us feel like a failure, they are terrific learning tools. Next time you are confronted with a situation where you need to respond a certain way, don’t be afraid to take a few seconds to think about what you will say.

3. LESS IS MORE I say this a lot. It is truly one of my mantras, pillars, guiding principles, or whatever you want to call it. If you really want to make an impact, then you must speak less, and listen more. Use fewer, high-quality words, and say a whole lot more with them. Plus, it makes it much easier to prepare and focus your message and feel confident with it when you don’t have to cut through the noise to find it. Crystal clear communication will win every time!

For more tips on how to build your confidence your, be sure to download the FREE guide to communicating greatly! I’d love to hear your thoughts on it and find out what you need help with in your communication! (In case you missed the link above, click HERE to grab that guide right now!)

Want more than just the guide? I’d love to meet you. Let’s chat! Click HERE to book a strategy session with me! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!