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confidence speaking Dec 12, 2023

For today’s article, I am sharing my best tips for confident public speaking. Since the title sums up exactly what we are discussing today, let’s get into it!

My philosophy on speaking is simple: Everyone has a story to tell and the ability to tell it. They just don’t know where to begin. With these tips, and some expert guidance (from a coach like yours truly) you can get started on your path to the stage where you can share your story with the masses! 

  1. Begin with the End in Mind: Every conversation, every speech, has a purpose. Start by identifying this purpose. What do you want to achieve with your words? What impact or what lesson do you want to leave your audience with at the end. How do you want them to feel? Knowing the answer to these questions will guide you in your preparation, helping you craft a message that resonates with the audience and achieves its purpose.
  2. Craft Your Message with Precision: Once your goal is clear, your message should follow suit. Consider your audience – understanding them is key to ensuring your message lands as intended. What do they need and want from you? Tailor your words to speak directly to their hearts and minds.
  3. Embrace Imperfections: We all stumble over words now and then. The key is to not let these moments derail you. Embrace them as part of the human experience. Prepare for mishaps, and remember, your reaction to these moments often speaks louder than the mistake itself. Continue with confidence or even use your stumble to make a joke or insert some humor into your speech! This works wonders to help you connect with the audience through your authenticity and it helps you get passed the stumble more easily!
  4. Outline Your Thoughts: A roadmap of your thoughts can be incredibly grounding, especially under time constraints. This outline can also serve as a physical anchor, giving your hands something to hold, channeling your nervous energy. I highly encourage the use of cue cards to help you stay on track and keep your fidgety hands under control! You should know your content and be familiar with it without the use of cue cards, but in the moment, when your nerves are on high alert, having cue cards can be just what you need to stay focused and deliver your content seamlessly.
  5. Cut the Clutter: Avoid the trap of fluff words. They dilute your message. Be concise, be clear. Like a skilled artist, every word you choose should add to the canvas of your message. Remember, less is more most of the time. Choosing the right words will serve you more effectively than choosing a bunch of inadequate words.
  6. Pace and Projection: Nervousness often leads to a hurried speech or a soft voice. Remember to slow down. Let your words breathe. Project your voice, ensuring it reaches every corner of the room, every ear in the audience. Forcing yourself to intentionally breathe and allow space between your thoughts gives you control over the pacing of your speech. You never want to speed too quickly through your content. Remember, your audience needs time to hear each word, give them that time through your pacing!
  7. Practice, Practice, Practice: There's no substitute for practice. It builds confidence and helps you find your unique voice. Whether it's in front of a mirror or an audience, each practice session is a step towards mastering the art of communication. Remember the mantra “practice makes permanent.” The way you practice is the way you will perform. Just as a musician needs to practice in the manner they will perform on the stage, you need to practice your speech as if you are delivering it whole-heartedly to your audience each time you rehearse.
  8. Engage with Your Eyes: Your notes are your guide, not your focus. Remember to look up and engage with your audience. Make eye contact. Let them feel your presence, your attention, and your message. If the venue is large and dark while you are speaking, look toward the back of the room. This gives the illusion that you are looking at people rather than looking at the floor.
  9. Listen Actively: As a speaker, listening is crucial. You need to be reading the room, understanding the audience's energy, and responding in the moment. Being in tune with the audience can help you decide if you should leave something out of your speech or do a little ad-libbing. Again, reading the room is an important skill for you to master in order to be an effective speaker.
  10. Understand the Context: Different settings require different communication styles. From casual chats to formal presentations, understanding the context helps you tailor your approach for maximum effectiveness.
  11. Enjoy the Journey: Public speaking is a marathon, not a sprint. It's a process of constant learning and evolving, writing and editing, practicing and revising. Start with an idea, develop it, practice it, and refine it. These important parts of the journey will help build your confidence and skill-level as well as show just how amazing you are!

Remember, speaking to or in front of others doesn't have to be a source of fear or anxiety. By implementing these tips, you can approach your next presentation or speech with confidence and poise. You have the power to transform your story into a powerful message, and in doing so, transform those that hear it.

Become a better speaker! Book your free empowerment call now! I help individuals just like you unlock their storytelling ability and build their confidence. I want to help you take center stage and make an impact with your words. Let’s unlock your true potential as a speaker. Your audience is waiting!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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