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Uncategorized Jan 11, 2022

Communication is essential in both our personal and professional lives. In order to be successful, we need to be credible–one of the best ways to achieve credibility is through effective communication. 

As a business owner, you need and want people to want to listen to you. You want your ideal customers to seek you out and crave your content. The hardest part of reaching your audience is ensuring your communication is effective. 

This week, we are discussing a few things you can do to make sure that your content and communication builds your credibility with your current and potential customers, so they come back for more! 

  1. Do your research. One of the easiest ways to build credibility through your content is to do research before you say (or write) a word. There is nothing worse than giving false information when you are supposed to be an expert on something. By doing your research, you can craft content that is accurate and can be backed up if someone questions you. Your audience has the world’s biggest information source at its fingertips. You want to make sure that if they cross-check your info, they get the confirmation that you are the expert and will lead them down the right path of information. 

2. Admit when you are wrong. If you do find that you have conveyed incorrect information or misspoken about something important, OWN IT. Admit you were wrong and then provide the correct information immediately. Admitting you are wrong gives you a chance to really build credibility with your audience. It shows them that you are, in fact, still human, but that you value them enough to put your pride aside and admit you made a mistake. There is no shame at admitting you were wrong so don’t be afraid to correct yourself when needed!

3. Speak the language. If your audience is in a specific industry or niche, make sure you know the industry-specific jargon that they will understand. When you use the words and acronyms that pertain to your audience, you build your credibility with them. Many industries have a vocabulary that could be all their own (medical, military, finance are all industries with their own jargon). If you are not already familiar with the terms that are commonly used in these niches but you are looking to work with them, you must educate yourself so you can speak/write in a way that will reach the people you wish to reach.

4. Be consistent. Consistency is a recurring tip in almost everything I talk about. Why? Because it is so important. Consistency creates familiarity, which builds credibility. When you continue to show up, you keep your face and your words in front of your audience. 

5. Always provide value. Always give value. When you provide content for your audience, whether written or spoken, give them value. If you are a business owner, you of course want to keep the high-level stuff for your paid clients but don’t be afraid to share your knowledge with your audience. By giving them value, you build your credibility with them. This will make them more likely to come back to you for a paid service when they are ready.

6. Dress to impress. Remember that blog I wrote about non-verbal communication? (No? Click HERE to check it out!) One of the non-verbal ways we communicate is through our appearance. Unfortunately, people will judge you by how you look on video or in person so it is very important to dress appropriately when you will be in view of your audience. It might seem trivial but dressing for success when communicating directly with your audience can make or break your credibility!

The way you communicate has a direct relationship with how people view you and your business. I hope this post has helped you understand the importance of building credibility through your communication.

Want to learn more about how you can improve your communication skills for building your credibility? Click HERE to book a strategy session with me! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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