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Uncategorized Jun 27, 2023

Business is built on relationships. Any service-based business (coaching, consulting, photography, real estate, lending, insurance, accounting…the list goes on and on…) requires that relationships be built between the service-provider and the consumer. These relationships generally start with the first contact with a new prospect, and they should be nurtured from that time forward. Business relationships should never end with the closing of a transaction. If you are always chasing the transaction and consider the relationship over once a deal closes, you're doing yourself a disservice!

Once you close the deal, there are many benefits to nurturing your client relationships. Maintaining a positive, ongoing relationship opens doors to repeat business, referrals, and other opportunities to serve your community. Part of your job as a service provider is to build rapport with your clients. When you nurture your relationships with them beyond the closing of their business with you, you can show them your true value. It is in the post-closing time that you can really shine!

Enter Customer Relationship Management or CRM. There are many ways you can manage your customer relationships, just find the way that works best for you. Today, let's explore why CRM is pivotal for your business and share some practical tips for maintaining contact with clients after their transaction.

Why Customer Relationship Management is Important

1. Repeat Business: A satisfied client who has had a positive experience with you is likely to seek your services again when needed. But they'll only do this if you remain top of mind. Regular communication ensures that you're the first person they think of when they require your service!

2. Referrals: Happy clients are your best advocates and the referral of their friends and family should be regarded as the highest compliment they can give you. When your clients refer their loved ones to you, they're saying, 'I trust this professional to take care of you.' That's a big responsibility, and it creates an expectation for a good experience. Ensure you can meet that expectation! Client referrals actively help grow your business.

3. Reputation Building: Consistent relevant contact with your clients allows you to reinforce the rapport you built with them during your active transaction. When you continue to provide value, especially at the point where you are no longer getting paid for it, you position yourself as a reliable, customer-focused professional who values the people that work with you.

Ways to Stay in Contact Beyond the Closing

Maintaining relationships after closing isn't about selling constantly. Instead, it's about continuing to provide value, showing your worth, and reinforcing why they chose you in the first place.

Here are some ways to easily provide value or show your clients that you appreciate them:

1. Celebratory Message or Gift: Send a quick note or small gift after a successful transaction. This shows your appreciation and makes clients feel valued. This can be a simple handwritten thank you card or a gift of your choice that you think they will appreciate. Sending a quick note or gift leaves a lasting impression that helps your client feel like more than just a paycheck!

2. Follow-Up Check-In: A few weeks after the transaction, check in to see how your client is doing. If they bought or sold a home with you, see how they are settling into their new home and if they have any issues or questions you can help with. If they purchased a service, follow up to see how they are doing and if they have any questions. This shows you care about their experience beyond the sale and provides the perfect opportunity to ask for referrals!

3. Regular Newsletters: If you are a real estate pro, update clients on market trends, home maintenance tips, or local news through a monthly or quarterly newsletter. If you are a service provider, share news about upcoming promos, past events, and client testimonials (with their permission). This keeps you top of mind and provides useful information.

4. Birthday and Holiday Wishes: Quick messages on holidays and clients' birthdays show you care! Daylight savings reminders and school year start notifications are also easy ways to stay in touch.

5. Customer Satisfaction Surveys: To improve, seek feedback. Send a survey within 60 days of a transaction and then annually. Once a client has been in your CRM for a year, they can provide valuable insights into your ongoing communication. This can be valuable feedback to help you keep moving forward!

6. Invitations to Events: If you are hosting or speaking at an event, invite current and past clients and encourage them to bring friends or family members who might be interested in your services. This low-pressure environment is great for networking!


Remember, every client interaction is an opportunity to build a stronger relationship. By genuinely caring for your clients and consistently providing value beyond the transaction, you nurture these relationships, fueling the long-term success of your business. There is no reason why you can’t create a client for life with each new prospect. When you create and deliver a client experience that beats expectations and makes your clients feel valued, they will become loyal referral machines!

Effective Customer Relationship Management is more than closing a sale—it's fostering lasting professional relationships that will benefit your business for years to come!

To learn more about how to create and maintain a CRM communication strategy, connect with me HERE and book your FREE 20-minute discovery call! I can’t wait to connect with you!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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