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Uncategorized Dec 06, 2022

It is December!! The holiday season is in full force, sales and discounts on everything from clothing to cookware abound, and excitement for the start of a new year is building day by day!

You are no doubt contemplating which gifts to buy, what sales to take advantage of, and whether to splurge on that new sweater you’ve been eyeballing for weeks.

While it is fun to buy gifts for others and ourselves, gifts aren’t the only things that you should consider purchasing in the holiday season. Group and individual coaching programs are terrific items to consider when planning your holiday and year-end purchases. December is one of the best times to invest in YOU, and that investment is one of the best gifts you could give yourself!


You might be wondering why December is an amazing time to invest in personal or professional development and coaching, so today I am sharing with you the 7 reasons why you should hire a coach in December!

1. Programs start in January – Even though you are purchasing the program in December, most of them won’t start until after the holidays. This means you can include the cost in your holiday/year-end budget (for tax purposes), but you don’t have to think about starting a new program in the middle of the craziness that is December.

2. Coaching is a great gift for yourself – Give yourself the gift of knowledge, improvement, and growth. The holidays are great for giving, but don’t leave yourself off that gift list. After all, you are the most important person in your life.

3. Coaching programs are great for reaching your goals – Whether you are into new year’s resolutions or you just like to revise your goals, the new year is a time when nearly all of us are evaluating our dreams, business goals, personal goals, etc. to determine what we will accomplish in the next 12 months and how we will accomplish it. Purchasing a coaching program in December sets you up for success by giving you a way to maintain your momentum to reach your goals, even after the initial excitement fades.

4. Everyone loves a sale – Starting in late November, nearly everything is on sale. This includes many of the group and individual coaching programs out there. This time of year, many coaches will offer a discount. Sometimes instead of a discount, they will add valuable bonus material to their program that is only offered for a limited time at no extra cost with their full coaching experience. Whatever the deal, it’s a great time of year to cash in and get the most of their offerings!

5. Learn & grow alongside like-minded individuals – It is exciting to set new goals, it can be less exciting to be stuck in the thick of things and feel like you won’t meet those goals. With a group or 1 on 1 coaching program, you are never alone in the pursuit of your goals. In a group experience, you can learn directly from other amazing people who share the common goal of self-improvement or goal achievement. In a 1 on 1 coaching program, you get a coach that is cheering you on and giving you the support you need to reach the goals you have set for yourself. (Pssst, this isn’t exclusive to hiring a coach in December, but it’s still really exciting!)

6. Be a part of the learning process for others – One of the very best things about hiring a coach, either individually or as part of a group experience, is that you not only get to learn from others, but you get to be a part of the learning process for them. As a coach, teacher, or trainer, it is common to learn just as much from your students as they do from you. When you are part of a coaching experience, you automatically become entwined in the learning process for all involved. Whether it is just you and your coach in a 1 on 1 program, or you and 25 others in a group setting, being a part of the learning process is an honor. Your knowledge, experience, and perspective might be the key to someone else’s success!

7. Many coaches revamp their programs for the new year – A lot of coaches revise their programs at the beginning of the year to provide the most up to date info, knowledge, and research on their area of expertise. By purchasing their program in December, you guarantee a spot in that newly revised program, potentially receiving information that no other clients of that coach have received. You may also get the chance to provide feedback to the coach on the material so that they can continue to revise and improve their programs in the future.


If you are on the fence about purchasing a coaching program, don’t wait. Jump off that fence, take the plunge, invest in yourself, and start 2023 with the momentum you need to achieve your goals!

I hope this article has provided you with some insight and encouragement to invest in your own development. I am so excited for the new year and all that 2023 has in store! I am developing my new group coaching program, set to launch in the first quarter and would love to have you join us! Go get on the waiting list HERE! I also have limited openings for 1 on 1 coaching clients, with appointments starting in mid-January. Head over to my resources page to inquiry about coaching and my other services. I can’t wait to connect with you!

I hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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