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Uncategorized Dec 13, 2022

It is the end of the year, and you're no doubt starting to look forward to next year and plan out your goals for 2023. You might even consider hiring a coach to help you reach those goals and take your business to the next level.

Hiring a coach is a great way to get you to your goals. Having someone there to keep you accountable, to help you with roadblocks, and any other struggles that you might have along the way can be a critical piece of your success!


With all the coaches out there, how do you know which one is right for you? Today, I'm going to share with you the six questions to ask yourself when you decide to hire a coach.

Let's dive in!

1. What kind of coach are you looking for? Are you looking for a general business coach or someone that can help you reach your life goals? Or do you need a coach that specializes in a specific skill or uses a particular framework or methodology? Before going any further in your search for a coach, decide what exactly you want to achieve and what kind of coach can get you there.

2. What is your budget? You have decided you want to hire a coach. Now you need to ask yourself if you can afford it. On the flip side, you should ask yourself if you can afford NOT to hire a coach. Can you afford to not invest in yourself? Because that's all it is when you hire a coach: you are investing in yourself! Figure out where your budget is and then start researching coaches that fit your budget. When figuring our your budget, it is important to consider the return you will get on your investment once you learn that new skill or achieve that certain goal. Will completing the coach’s program allow you to make more money or provide value that will be worth the amount you will spend?

3. What is your timeframe? How long do you want to spend in your coaching program? How soon can you start with the coach that you want to hire? Do they have openings? How long is their program? Can they get you into their rotation quickly or do they have a waitlist? Are they out three, six or nine months before they're starting their next cohort of students or their next round of individual coaching? Do your needs require a certain amount of time or specific deadline to complete your coaching? These are all things to consider when deciding on a coach!

4. What do you want to achieve? What is your ideal outcome or the specific result that you are looking for from your coaching experience? If you are training to run a half marathon and you want to hire a running coach, you know that by a certain date, you need to be able to run 13.1 miles. Maybe you want to write and publish a book in a specific amount of time or maybe you just need someone to keep you accountable for progress on your goals. Whatever the desired outcome is, you need to be clear on it when you decide who to hire!

5. Are you compatible? There are so many coaches out there, but not all personalities are going to click. You need a coach that you can get along with and that understands you, but will challenge you and push back when you come to them with your excuses, roadblocks, and limiting thoughts (we ALL have those!)

You also need to determine if their content resonates with you and your values. For example, if you are looking for a faith-based coach, you probably won’t be a good fit for coaches that don’t share your faith. Before you pull the trigger on working with a coach, do your research, take advantage of their free consultation to determine if you are compatible with them before you move forward (if they don’t offer a free consultation or enrollment call, that should be a red flag – that is the only opportunity you have to confirm you are a good fit)!

6. Are you able to commit to a coaching program? This is the most important question to ask yourself. Once you decide on a coach, you must decide to commit to completing your coaching experience with the highest degree of effort possible. Only you know what you can commit to, and you have to be clear on that at the beginning. The last thing any coach wants is to create more stress and anxiety in your life. You don't function at your best level when you're stressed out and full of anxiety. We want you to get the value you have paid for in your program and if you aren’t able to meet your commitment, we aren’t able to provide the value you have paid for.

There you have it! The six questions you should ask yourself when you decide to hire a coach. The great thing about this list is that applies to any kind of coach! Maybe it's a finance coach you need or a general life coach, or maybe you want to develop a specific skill…this set of questions applies to any of those!

Online coaching is a huge industry. There are experts out there for everything and there is truly someone out there that can help you with any of the goals or struggles you have. I hope that as you sit down and plan out your goals for 2023, you will consider hiring a coach to help you achieve them!

If you are on the fence about purchasing a coaching program, don’t wait. Jump off that fence, take the plunge, invest in yourself, and start 2023 with the momentum you need to achieve your goals!

I hope this article has provided you with some insight and encouragement to invest in your own development. I am so excited for the new year and all that 2023 has in store! I am developing my new group coaching program, “Four Months to Fearless”, set to launch in the first quarter and would love to have you join us! Go get on the waiting list HERE!

I also have openings for 1 on 1 coaching, with a special New Year promotion, and appointments starting in mid-January. Click HERE to inquire about coaching and my other services. I can’t wait to connect with you!

I hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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