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Uncategorized Jan 09, 2024

Are you looking to make an impact, yearning to share your story, yet feeling a whirlwind of nerves and uncertainty about taking the stage? You are not alone. Many people, just like you, harbor dreams of confidently sharing their story and message with the masses but are held back by self-doubt.

Lau-Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Today, let us take the first step in your journey toward stage confidence and overcoming those thoughts in your head that tell you you aren’t good enough to be a speaker. 

To overcome your doubts and fears, you must first understand them. It is natural to feel nervous or anxious about public speaking – being vulnerable on stage is a courageous act. The fear of being judged or not good enough can be paralyzing and can legitimately hold you back from pursuing your dreams of being a speaker. But remember, these feelings do not define your capability or destiny. They are merely obstacles that can be overcome with guidance, practice, and a shift in your mindset. Fear is a natural part of the journey. Instead of letting it hold you back, let it propel you forward. Transform that energy into a force that drives you to prepare, refine, and conquer the stage!

The next step in your journey to the stage is embracing your unique story. You are the sum whole of the experiences you have lived, and no one else on earth has had the same experience as you! Imagine that…out of nearly 8 billion humans on earth, no one has the same story as you!

Your unique story, your experiences, your struggles, and your triumphs make your voice powerful and necessary. Believe in the value of your story and the wisdom held within it. When you step onto the stage, you share a part of yourself that could inspire and impact others who can relate to your experiences!

Now that you are excited to continue your journey to the stage, the next step is all about preparation. Preparation is your ally. It involves so much more than simply rehearsing your speech. It includes learning about and understanding your audience, refining your message, practicing your stage presence, and internalizing your content. With each aspect of your preparation, you're not just preparing your speech; you're building your confidence and increasing your impact.

Remember, your speaking journey begins with a single step—the decision to face your fears and embrace your potential. While it seems like a scary place to be, the stage is a space where your voice can be heard, your story can resonate, and your message can inspire. You have the power to captivate an audience. You have the courage to overcome your self-doubt. And most importantly, you have a story that the world needs to hear.

Are you ready to take that step? If so, book your free empowerment call now to see if working with me is the right first step in YOUR speaking journey!! I can help you unearth your story and unlock your ability to tell it with confidence so you can command your stage and captivate any audience. 

I want to help you take center stage and make an impact with your words. Let’s unlock your true potential as a speaker. 

Your audience is waiting!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!