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Uncategorized Sep 20, 2022

Judgment. It is everywhere. Online, in person, zoom, over the phone…whenever you interact with people, there is some level of conscious or sub-conscious judgment occurring. When you run a business, people (aka: your audience and potential future clients) will judge you on many things, not the least of which is your use of language.

I know for some people, this can be a touchy subject, but the way we speak, write, and communicate in general provides a great amount of fodder for outside judgment. The bottom line is that if you are in business, and you want to grow your business, you MUST master your communication skills.

Now, “mastering” your communication skills looks different for everyone. Different industries require differing levels of vocabulary, speaking, writing, and grammar skills. Suffice it to say that not all levels of communication are created equal. 

For example, if you are a second-grade teacher, you aren’t going to need a huge vocabulary or any industry jargon to speak to your “clients” (in this case, a room full of rowdy 8- and 9-year-olds with less than 10 seconds of attention-span). In fact, you want to keep your words basic and simple so that they can learn, understand, and respond appropriately when you communicate with them. You might not think that 2nd graders are judgmental but try using words they don’t know, and you will lose control in a hurry.

Now, if you are a lawyer, you better have a vocabulary that covers all the parts of the law you defend or represent. Legal language is a specialized area of communication that requires time and commitment to command. As an attorney, it is your responsibility to learn that language so you can represent your clients more effectively and ultimately, win your cases. If you show up to court using second-grade vocabulary, you likely won’t win anything except a cross-eyed glance from the judge.

Let’s talk a bit about the things you will be judged on that can quickly and easily be improved, remedied, or changed altogether. Here are the top 3 areas I encounter that can make or break you.

1. Spelling and grammar: Ask anyone that knows me well and they will tell you that I am totally OCD about spelling and grammar use. I will stare at a sentence for 5 minutes if it doesn’t look right and will completely rephrase it if I can’t get it the way I want it. Spelling and grammar are basic communication skills but so many of us struggle with them. The good news is that there are so many tools out there to help you get these right that you should never have issues producing content that is free of typos and poor grammar. Word processors have grammar and spell check, and you can even hire a proofreader to make sure your content is perfectly written (by the way, did you know that I provide proofreading services? If this is something you need, click HERE to check out my service page!). 

Bad spelling and grammar should NEVER be the reason someone unfollows or doesn’t hire you. If you don’t have a good grasp on spelling, word tense, which word to use, or where and when to use a semi-colon, it is very easy to learn. Or you can have someone else take a look and help you get it right! Use your words and punctuation to your advantage. Your audience won’t necessarily make a conscious good judgment when you don’t have any typos, but they will certainly form a bad judgment if you DO have them. Take the time to make sure your words are spelled and used correctly. This will show your audience that you care about producing a high-quality result and you pay attention to the details!

2. Word use/vocabulary: Remember how I said I am a bit OCD about spelling and grammar? Well, the same is true for word use. There are many words out there that look or sound similar but have completely different meanings and uses. Don’t get caught in the trap of using the wrong word. In doing so, you could potentially change the meaning of your entire sentence just in that one mistake. Some common word mix-ups are listed in the graphic below. Here are some others that I come across quite often:

Hear and here

Definitely and defiantly

Except and accept

Effect and affect

Remember, your audience expects you to be an expert, and that includes being able to use the right words to convey the right meaning. Know your words and make them work for you! Learn the language of your industry so you can show that you ARE the expert and that your clients are in capable hands when they work with you!

3. Syntax and flow: I get it, none of this is sexy or exciting. Spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and syntax are the worst flashbacks to tenth grade English ever, but they are SO important to your communication strategy. If you are sending any kind of written content out to your audience, you have to know how to use your language correctly. Syntax is the use of your words in a manner that is routine in your native language. For example, in English, one might say “The big red dog jumped over the fence.” However, in a different language, like Spanish, the verbs and nouns would be switched so it would read something like “The dog, big and red jumped over the fence.” (Disclaimer: I do not speak Spanish fluently to know just how correct this is, I am using it as an example only!). Whatever language you are communicating in, that is the syntax you should follow. 

Flow refers to how well your words fit together and, if read aloud, how they roll off the tongue. Sentences should fit together like puzzle pieces. They should be punctuated in a way that allows for breathing and pause. When sentences are too short and choppy, it can be hard to keep your audience from feeling like they are on a bumpy road. If they are too long, your sentences can cause your audience to tune out. One of the best ways to combat this issue is to read your own words out loud or hire a proofreader to help you! (Yes, that is a non-shameless plug for my proofreading service!)

I hope this article has helped you understand the importance of using proper grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and syntax in your social media, blogs, and email communications. It is not an exciting topic, but it is oh-so-important to your success! 

Thanks for stopping by! If you are looking to increase your vocabulary, build your writing skills, or hire a proofreader so you don’t have to do any of those things, let’s chat!! I have openings for new proofreading and coaching clients, and I would love to help you overcome your communication hurdles! Head on over to my resources page to book a FREE call, download my communication guide, get on my email list, connect on social media, or enroll in my services! 

I hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!