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Uncategorized Sep 06, 2022

Just do it. Three little words that are intended to inspire you to take action or get out of your own way and get something done. It sounds like great advice, it sounds motivational, and let’s not forget that Nike has built their entire empire on those three little words.

But being told to “just do it” when you aren’t even sure what “it” is can be difficult. When you hire a coach for any aspect of your business, you likely do so because you need guidance and direction in that area. For a coach that you have invested in to tell to “just do it” is a total disappointment and a waste of money.

Imagine hiring a chef to teach you to how to cook. You grab an apron and head to the kitchen to meet them. You arrive and the chef tells you to make a Huntsman Pie and then leaves. (If you don’t know what a Huntsman Pie is, google it…it is considered one of the most difficult dishes to make.) You are left standing in the kitchen facing a dish that may or may not be a dessert, and you have no guidance on where to start.

You are frustrated, and worse, stuck right where you were, with no help, no instruction, and nothing to show for the time and money you invested in the chef.

The same thing happens in business coaching. As a coach, it can be easy to forget that our clients are seeking our help. We might deal with our area of expertise daily, but our clients may be beginners. It is very important to understand the level your clients are at before you tell them to “just do it”. Even if you aren’t a coach, you probably have clients that don’t know much about the process of working with you.

Let me put on my mortgage hat for a minute. When I work with a client, I have to learn what their experience with getting a home loan is. Working with a first-time borrower is far different than working with someone who has obtained multiple home loans. Seasoned borrowers understand the process and the lingo, but first-time borrowers don’t have the first clue about what to expect, so it is up to me to educate them as we go and help them learn the process.



Back to coaching…the same thing applies. If you are working with a seasoned entrepreneur, you will handle your mentoring of that individual much differently that you would a new entrepreneur. When you take on a new client, it is critical to take the time to learn about them. Learn about their experiences and their level of expertise. Learn about their strengths and weaknesses and about their goals and fears. Learn about their learning style and how to give them the most for their investment in your service.

Some people may do well with the “just do it” approach, once you have given them the tools they need, but it is up to you to find out when they are ready for that level of tough business love. By asking the questions and getting to know your clients, you will be able to truly be a coach and mentor and you will help move your clients along in their business journey.

Thanks for stopping by! Head on over to my resources page HERE to book your call, connect on social media, or see what’s different about my coaching style! You can even download my FREE eBook to get you started with my 5 tips for communicating greatly!

Hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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