If this sounds like the beginning of a bad breakup, fear not! When I say “it’s not me, it’s you,” what I really mean is it’s ABOUT you.
In this post I will start to dive into one of my main pillars of communication: Knowing Your Audience. This is one thing I teach in great detail and something that prevents many of us from mastering our skills. Let’s dive in!
We’ve all heard “there’s no ‘I’ in team” and I’m here to tell you there’s no “me” in communicate…but there is YOU (well, a “u” but you get the point).
As a communicator, there are two ways to approach communicating with your audience: self-centered and client-centered (or audience-centered) communication. If you hold a position as a leader, business owner, or professional, YOUR COMMUNICATION SHOULD ALWAYS BE FOCUSED ON THE INDIVIDUAL(S) AT THE OTHER END OF YOUR MESSAGE.
But how do you know if your message is focused on the recipient? First, you have to know who they are. As a leader or manager, the recipient could be your colleagues, subordinates, competitors, or the general public. As a business owner or professional, the audience can be your current and potential customers or fellow entrepreneurs. Your audience can be one person or your entire marketing community.
Ok, now that we are getting an idea of the recipient of your communication, how do you know where your message is centered?
Here’s a trick:
Ask yourself this question: If I were the audience/recipient, how would I react to this message?
Put yourself on the receiving end of what you are saying to make sure the focus is correct. If you notice the message is centered more on you, re-evaluate to make sure you’re still providing value to the recipient in a manner that will matter to them.
The importance of focus and purpose of the message cannot be overstated. If your goal is to make a sale, you need to craft your message in a way that shows the recipient how your product or service will enhance their lives or fill a need. Do not just discuss features of your product or service, describe the benefits of using it.
There are so many aspects of knowing your audience. It isn’t something any of us can master in a few weeks. It takes time, practice, research, and even a few blunders to really figure out how to address your audience effectively.
To learn more about how you can start getting to know your audience, click HERE to download my free guide to better communication. These 5 tips will get you on your way to communicating greatly in no time.
Thanks for stopping by!
Ciao for now!
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Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!