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Uncategorized Jan 25, 2022

What if I told you that business is dependent on relationships? Oh wait, I have told you that! 😉 I need you to really hear me though, so it bears repeating. (In case you need a refresher, click HERE to read my last post about building relationships 😉)

In order to sustain your business, you need to build and nurture relationships with your clients and audience. You do this through your communication. In the age of social media, instant gratification, constant connection, and less in-person contact, your communication game must be top-notch. You need to be able to cut through the noise and get your voice heard. While that is easier said than done, there are ways you can improve your communication to help get you on the right track to building strong, business-sustaining relationships that will help you achieve your goals!

In an article about conflict resolution between students, the University of Michigan used the acronym LARA when detailing how students can address conflict in their personal relationships. The acronym stands for Listen, Acknowledge, Respond, Add. While this article applied to personal relationships, the acronym applies to your business relationships as well. Let’s dive in a little deeper and see how these steps can help you build lasting and lucrative relationships in your business!

1. LISTEN. Listen intently. Whether you are in a one-on-one conversation or reading emails, listen with intention (yes, you can “listen” to what is being said in an email). When you listen intently, you reserve judgment and keep your thoughts to yourself (for the moment). You internalize what you are hearing with the intention of understanding. Do not interrupt or interject, just let the other party be heard, and be sure you hear them.

2. ACKNOWLEDGE. Once the other party has said their piece, acknowledge them in a way that shows you were actively listening. Say “that makes sense” or “I understand” and if you don’t understand, make that known. It is okay to ask for clarification on something they said, this shows them that you were listening and are seeking to understand their perspective. This is important in any business relationship because validating the other party’s needs, issues, or concerns, shows them you care about them. This will make them more likely to utilize your services.

3. RESPOND. At this point, it is appropriate to respond to what was said. You can ask questions or summarize what you heard to show the other party you were listening and ensure you are on the same page.

4. ADD. This is your chance to add your thoughts about what was discussed. Sometimes this step will occur later than the original communication exchange. That is okay. If you need time to get your thoughts together and evaluate possible solutions, just say so. Just make sure that you follow up with the other party when you say you will. For example, if it is a Friday and you need a couple of days to put your thoughts together before responding, you could tell the other party that you will get back with them by Tuesday; and then DO IT. Follow-through is one of the best ways you can show people you listened to them and you care about them. 

These steps are a guide to help you navigate the complex process of building, maintaining, and nurturing your relationships. The best things you can do in any relationship are to be honest and follow through. Honesty and follow-through will not only nurture the relationship, they will also build your credibility (which then strengthens the relationship even more…see the feedback loop there!).

I hope this post has helped you understand the importance of building and nurturing relationships within your business! To learn more about improving your communication skills and building better business relationships, click HERE to book a strategy session with me! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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