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Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022

Welcome to my blog! If this is your first time, thank for stopping by. If you have been here before, welcome back!! I am so glad you are here! Today I am deviating a little from the usually informative article centered on some issue that can be solved through communication. Today, I am celebrating!

You see, this is my 53rd weekly post. That means that every week for one whole year, I have shared nuggets of information and inspiration with you all! Today I am going to reflect on my own growth through the past year!

In 2021 I decided I needed to add a blog to my website. I wanted a way to put content out there that didn’t depend on social media and that I could keep in one place for easy access. But did you know that I put off publishing that first article (a simple introductory post, not much to it…) for over 3 months? I, like so many others who are taking the plunge into something new, was afraid. But not in the way you might think. 

I wasn’t afraid that no one would read my articles or that my blog would be a colossal flop. No, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to uphold my end of the bargain and bring you a new, useful article every single week. I was afraid I would let YOU down. While some weeks it is hard to come up with a new idea, most of the time I just ask you all what you want to know, or I use my personal experiences to develop my article. Every once in a while, I even ask google what the hot topics in communication are so I can get some inspiration!

I am going to give myself a high five because my fear was completely unfounded. I did bring you a new article every week. I took that fear and threw it away. I conquered it! And you know what conquering that fear has given me? More confidence! Through my action, I built confidence. The same way I teach my clients to push themselves to try the things that scare them – public speaking, writing, being more assertive with their voice – to build confidence, I did the thing I was afraid of to build mine. And just like my fear of not being up to the task, their fears are usually unfounded, and they are able to overcome them!

I have long believed that as a teacher, coach, or mentor, we tend to learn more from our students than they do from us. As I learn more and more about each one of you, I also learn about myself. I learn that we are all the same in so many ways. While our individual abilities and skill levels vary, we all have the same basic fears about putting ourselves out there, about using our voices, and about how we will be perceived. So, if you are feeling afraid of any of those things, know that you are not alone! The business world can be a scary place but knowing you are not alone makes all the difference! And if you are out there doing the hard things, I’m proud of you! Here is a high five for you as well!!

Ok, I have rambled on about my past year long enough. The message I want you take away today is that action equals confidence which leads to motivation and then more action…and on goes the cycle. Motivation isn’t the catalyst that gets us to do something – it is the result of doing that thing. So, write that first article, record that first podcast, apply for that speaking gig, reach out to that dream client. Taking action is the first step to building the confidence you need to continue moving forward!

I hope this article inspires you to take that first step toward your next goal! Next week I’ll be back with a brand-new article to kick off my 2nd year of bringing you meaningful content each and every week!!

Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear from you! Head on over to our resources page HERE to connect on social media, see what I am working on, or download my FREE eBook!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!