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The Power of Showing Up Just As You Are

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2024

Today I want to talk about something we all struggle with—expectations. We often set the bar too high for ourselves, don't we? Whether it's the way we look, the way we speak, or even how we present ourselves, we feel the pressure to be perfect. But here's the truth: there is immense power in showing up just as imperfectly as you are.

Let me share a little story with you. A couple of days ago, I had a virtual meeting scheduled for 10 AM. It was one of those mornings where if you had the chance for a do-over, you would take it. The power had been out, and I was still in my sweats, just managing to blow-dry my hair before the call. When my client joined the call, she laughed and said, "You're getting me as I am! I thought the appointment was at 11, and I'm just in a ball cap." In that moment I stopped caring about my still frizzy barely blow-dried hair and realized that it didn’t matter. My client and I both showed up despite the morning’s chaos and that is what mattered! 

We laughed about our chaotic mornings and had a fantastic conversation. That meeting reminded me of something crucial: it doesn't matter how we look or if everything is perfect. What matters is that we show up. And when we do, we often realize that the expectations we think others have of us are mostly in our heads. 

Showing up as you are makes you more relatable - and there is great power in that. When I go on stage — whether it's a physical stage or a virtual one like in my latest YouTube video (which is based on this blog post) — what I wear or how my hair looks doesn't change the message I have to share. Yet so often, I stay off camera because I didn’t wear makeup or redo my hair (anyone else??). The bottom line is that if my words resonate with you, if we share a laugh or a meaningful moment, then the goal has been achieved. You wouldn't care if I was in a T-shirt and jeans with no makeup as long as you felt connected and inspired. 

Here's my challenge to you: Whatever is holding you back from stepping into the spotlight — be it on social media, at a networking event, or on a physical stage — let it go, let it GO, don’t hold it back anymooooooore…oh, sorry, I morphed into Elsa for a minute! 

My point is that you shouldn’t worry if your hair isn't perfect or if you're not in full makeup because no one cares! They want to hear your story, connect with, and see the real you. 

When you work with me, you quickly learn that I support you in speaking and presenting in the way that feels most natural to you. Whether you prefer reading from a script, using cue cards, or speaking off the cuff, what matters is that you share your message comfortably and authentically. Mistakes? They just make you human and relatable. And believe me, that's a good thing! 

Today, I'm here with yesterday's hair and a little ice cream stain on my shirt (you can't see it, but it's there!). And guess what? It's okay. I'm here, and I'm sharing my message because I want to empower you to do the same. 

I encourage you to show up—be it in person or on video and just be yourself. If you don't feel like dressing up, that's fine. Do what you can in the moment, and I promise, no one will judge you for it. They'll be interested in who you are and what you have to say. 

In the comparison culture we live in, showing up is more than half the battle. Embrace the power of being relatable in your interactions with your clients, your audience, and everyone you meet. We're all doing our best, and that's enough. You don't need to spend hours getting ready to make a meaningful impact. 

Here's to showing up as you are and sharing your authentic self with the world. Remember, your story has the power to inspire and resonate with others. If you're ready to take the next step and share your story, I'm here to help. Reach out to me, and let's make it happen together! 

I can't wait to see how you show up and shine! To learn more about working together, the services I provide, or simply to connect, click HERE to book a FREE 30-minute call with me! Your audience is waiting and so am I! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Ciao for now!


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