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confidence speaking Dec 19, 2023

You’ve done it. You have decided to apply for that speaking engagement or join that speaking group and you have committed to stepping on to the stage to share your story, your knowledge, and your expertise with an audience. 

Once the excitement dwindles and you start working on your words, you might realize that you’ve never been on a stage, you don’t know how to present a captivating story, or you might get so nervous about it that you want to back out. 

I want you to know that these are completely normal thoughts, but you are not alone in feeling anxious or not good enough to be on the stage. Most of us have those thoughts at some point in our speaking journey, even if we are experienced speakers. The good news is that you can learn how to be a great storyteller, you can learn to manage nerves, and you can learn how to command the stage so you can enjoy the experience from start to finish! (All of these are addressed when you work with me 😉)

You will often hear me discuss stage presence. But you might be thinking what is stage presence? Stage presence encompasses many aspects and can quickly be defined as “being fully present on the stage, regardless of your nerves or any external factors.” 

It starts with you and how you take the stage. Stage presence includes how you enter the stage, how you utilize it while speaking, your appearance and body language, and how you tell your story. Each of us has our own blend of these elements that makes us unique as speakers. 

I want you to reflect on a speaker you admire (if you don’t have one, search for some TED talks on YouTube and watch a few). What qualities do they exhibit that you find engaging? All of those qualities contribute to their overall stage presence. Which of those qualities do you already see in yourself and which of them do you want to develop? 

I’m guessing that one of the qualities you wrote down about one of the speakers you admire is that they appear very confident. I’d also guess that that speaker didn’t always have that level of confidence. Confidence is something we all talk about, and we all feel we don’t have enough of. Luckily, it can be gained through practice and experience.

Building your confidence starts with getting your thoughts in the right place. Mindset is huge when it comes to building your confidence. You have to think and believe that you are a speaker. The first step to owning the stage is believing you deserve to be there. Your message matters and you have the power to make an impact on your audience. Once you start believing this, you are on your way to developing higher confidence and mastering your stage presence.

Once you get your thoughts on track, preparation is going to be the next step to building your confidence. When you prepare, you give yourself time to learn what to expect and to practice your material. When you practice, things become familiar, and familiarity helps curb anxiety. Remember, practice makes permanent. You will perform as you practice, and if you don’t practice, your confidence will not be at the highest level.

Part of your practice needs to be in front of an audience. Even if it is you recording yourself and sending the recording to a few trusted friends for feedback. Doing this helps you learn what you need to do to connect with your audience from the first moment they see you. 

Your non-verbal communication (i.e. your appearance, facial expressions, eye contact, etc.) plays a key role in connecting with your audience. Your audience will see you before they hear you so it is extremely important to remember that your stage presence must be turned on the very moment you step on stage! (For more on body language basics for confident stage presence, check out this article.)

When you ask for honest feedback from your practice audience or trusted friends, ask them to comment on your non-verbal factors as well as your spoken words. Ask them if you appear confident from the beginning. Ask about your posture. Does your voice sound powerful and clear or weak and fuzzy? Are you engaging as a speaker? What could make your delivery more compelling? It might be hard to ask for such honest feedback, but I promise you, it will help you know what to improve on so that you can take the stage by storm and have the audience hanging on your every word!

You have the ability to confidently captivate an audience and make an impact. Embrace your journey to owning the stage while creating your own unique style and stage presence. Your story is worth telling, and your voice deserves to be heard.

Remember, stage presence is something you develop over time, with practice and experience. With the right tools and training, you can become the master of your stage!

Ready to take the stage and need some guidance to get there? Book your free empowerment call now to see if working with me is right for you!! I help individuals just like you unlock their storytelling ability and build their confidence so they can command their stage and captivate any audience. I want to help you take center stage and make an impact with your words. Let’s unlock your true potential as a speaker. Your audience is waiting!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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