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leadership Oct 26, 2021

Tact is one of the traits that many leaders lack, but all should possess. Tactful leaders can engage and communicate with their subordinates in a manner appropriate to the situation without crossing the line into toxic territory. Tactful leaders have the self-awareness to know when they are being too aggressive or pushy. They can assert themselves without being aggressive and can be firm without being a bully. Subordinates will respect a tactful leader but will fear or shy away from a toxic one.

What is Tact? Tact, according to the dictionary, is "the ability to speak or act in a socially acceptable way." Tactful people are able-minded and can communicate without offending. They know when it's appropriate to be assertive and just how far they can go before they step into aggressiveness.

Think of a time when you had an encounter with a leader who was very tactful in their communication. How did that make you feel? How did that experience shape your view of that leader? How can you learn to be a better leader because of that experience?

Pro-Tip: You know you are leading tactfully when your subordinates are not afraid to speak with you candidly or approach you with ideas or suggestions. Pay attention to how your teams engage with you to determine your level of tact.


The opposite of tactful communication is toxic communication: communication that may offend or be off-putting. Toxic leaders push away their subordinates with aggressive behavior, bullying tactics, and even abuse.

Toxic leaders tend to have an arrogance about them, and they are usually self-centered, instead of group-centered. They will point fingers and single out others for blame but will usually take credit for anything that is positive. Toxic leaders tend to bring negative energy to a room and have no problem voicing their opinions, even if the time and place is not ideal.

Think of a time when you had an encounter with a toxic leader. How did that make you feel? Toxic leaders tend to cause anxiety in their subordinates and even among their peers. Often, the peers will not approach a toxic leader because they know that their input will not be well received.

Toxic leaders are not good communicators, and they make the workplace a much harder place to be. They do not set positive examples for their subordinates or peers, nor do they treat them with dignity and respect.

Pro-Tip: If you notice that your teams don't come to you, this may be an indication that your communication style is more toxic than tactful. Hope is not lost, but you need to get out of your comfort zone and start asking people how you can be a better leader and communicator.

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Ciao for now!


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