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Uncategorized Mar 15, 2022

I believe in the power of wordsmithing and storytelling. People like to hear a story, something they can relate to and understand. But how do we take the mundane and technical information we need our clients to have and make it so they will enjoy discussing it? Through figurative language.


In grade school we learned that figurative language is classified into things like analogies and metaphors. I try not to be so technical about it. Figurative language is simply using an example or story to lend context and explain something in a way others can understand.

Today I want to share 3 things to keep in mind when expanding your communication to include figurative language.

1. It is memorable. Figurative language can help you craft your message in a more memorable way. There’s this line from the movie Cars where Mater says “I’m happier than a tornado in a trailer park.” This happens at the end when the beat-up old tow truck finally gets the chance to fly in a helicopter. He could have just said he was so happy to finally get to fly but by using figurative language, the writers gave him a line that is not only hilarious, it is very memorable.


2. It is user-friendly for all levels. Figurative language is powerful because there are so many ways to use it and you can use for nearly anyone at any level. When my son was younger, we once had a discussion about cars. He asked a question about the engine, and I told him the engine is like his heart – it is where the magic happens to keep things moving. Then we talked about how the air filter was like his lungs, and tires were like his shoes. By using something he already understood to help him understand something new, he was able to make the connections on his own and understand what we were discussing.

3. It can lead to misunderstandings. As wonderful as figurative language is, a fair amount of caution should be used when implementing it. Be aware of contextual or cultural limitations that may cause your client/audience to misinterpret the language you use. Figurative language should only be used when you can be relatively certain that it will enhance your message and create clear understanding of your topic.

Figurative language gives you the ability to communicate in ways that you might not otherwise try. Depending on your niche, you might deal with complex ideas or topics that need to be broken down or revised. Using language that conveys the same information but in a different way, can be just what you need to drive your information home! The best part is that it can help your clients understand complex ideas by relating them to something they already know.

Want to learn more about gaining an edge using figurative language? Let’s chat! Click HERE to book a strategy session with me!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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