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Uncategorized Aug 30, 2022

I love speaking to large groups. People tend to look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that, but it is true. I love to speak and share my message with others. You might not be as crazy as me and crave a large audience, but you might find yourself in a position where you are speaking to a small group, giving a presentation, training someone, or simply leading a meeting.

Whatever the situation, you need to be able to confidently convey your information, so today I am giving you my 4 tips for getting comfortable speaking to others! These simple changes will help you build confidence in yourself so you can deliver your message in a meaningful way!


Let’s dive in!

1. SLOW DOWN – The number one issue I encounter with clients is that they try to go 90 when the speed limit is 60. You have to slow down when you speak to people. It is a natural reaction to speak quickly when you are nervous or uncomfortable. Your brain wants to get through the situation as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable any longer than necessary. However, speeding through your words might even prolong the discomfort. If you speak too quickly, your audience might not understand you and will ask you to repeat yourself or explain what you said. Save yourself the prolonged discomfort and speak slowly the first time. It might feel like you are going in slow motion but when you force yourself to speak slowly, you end up speaking at a comfortable pace, so remember to slow down and pace yourself!

2. BREATHE – Have you ever listened to a preschooler tell a story? They go mach-90 and never pause for a breath…then they are out of breath by the end. Don’t do that. When you need to speak to people, remember to breathe! Not only will this save you from sounding like you just ran 5 miles, but it will help you to slow down (see tip number 1) and keep you on pace. Breathing regularly also helps your nerves calm down and keeps your thoughts in line.

3. MAKE EYE CONTACT – For some reason this is really hard for people. Connection is built when you look into the eyes of your audience, yet we tend to feel awkward when we look people in the eyes so we avoid it. Eye contact is a two-way street – you are connecting with your audience members, but they are also connecting with you. If you never look at the people you are speaking to, they might lose interest and even forget what you said. Eye contact equals engagement, so make eye contact with as many people as you can and drive your message home!

4. USE BODY LANGUAGE – Use your body language to enhance your message, not detract from it. Words are only one piece of the communication puzzle. Body language, including facial expressions, posture, and eye contact (ahem, see above) are all non-verbal components of communication and they “speak” much louder than your words ever will. Keep your shoulders back and relaxed, keep your head up (if you need to look at notes, do so with your eyes only), use your hands to help convey your message but don’t let them take over the show. The key is to make sure that your body language matches the tone of your voice and enhances the message you are looking to convey.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope these tips help you build confidence in your ability to deliver a message effectively!

Need some help implementing these tips? I would love for you to book a 60-minute session so we can narrow down your struggles and get you communicating confidently in no time!

Head on over to my resources page HERE to book your call, connect on social media, or just see what I am working on. You can even download my FREE eBook to get you started with my 5 tips for communicating greatly!

Hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!