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Uncategorized Apr 19, 2022

Last week I touched a bit on the importance of knowing your audience. This is a deep topic that can’t be covered in one or two blog posts, but we can touch on the basics to help get you started in the right direction!

Once you have taken the time and put in the work to learn who your audience is and what they need and want, the next step is determining HOW to reach them.

When you identify your audience, part of that process should include figuring out the ways they prefer to communicate and receive content. You must determine which media will have the greatest reach and what ways your audience will best receive your information.

You might be wondering how you can figure out the best way to reach your audience. I’d be lying if I told you it was a quick and easy process, but with a little time and research you can figure it out!

You want to start by asking yourself a few questions about your audience:

  1. How does my audience consume information?
  2. What kind of media do they prefer (written, video, audio, short message, etc)?
  3. What platforms do they prefer for content consumption?

There are a few ways you can answer these questions. I suggest you start by using what you already know about your audience to find your own answers and then do some research with your audience to dial it in.

Let’s say you answer the questions and you come with the following answers:

  1. Via social media
  2. Video and short message
  3. Instagram and YouTube

Then engage your audience and send them a survey, or do a poll on social media, or you can use trial and error to see how accurate your answers are. You may find via these studies that your audience does indeed consume information via social media and they love video messages, but they don’t pay much attention to written messages. You may also determine that instead of YouTube, they prefer to use TikTok primarily and will utilize Instagram as well.

By taking the time to do the research and figure out where and how your audience consumes content, you will save yourself time, money, and stress, and you will be able to show your audience that you know them and how to reach them.

I hope this post helps you to take a minute to think about how your audience needs to be reached and if you are doing everything you can to reach them in that way.

Feeling stuck? I would love to help you zoom in on your audience. Click HERE to book a FREE discovery call!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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