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Uncategorized Apr 12, 2022

Communication is the basis of all interpersonal relationships. Business relationships are no exception, and the success of those relationships relies heavily on the communication between the business and its target audience.

Great communication skills are one of the most valuable assets you can bring into your business. When you speak (or write) with confidence and clarity, conveying the right message in the right context, you build credibility and rapport with your audience. This is the difference between success and failure.

Business communications must be centered on the customer, therefore, messages used in business communication should be centered on the customer. Messages are much more effective when they are client-centered versus when they are business-centered. People want to know how they will benefit from using your product or service, not how their patronage benefits your business. 

When your messages reflect the interests and concerns of your potential customers, they are much more likely to cause the desired response: the potential customer becoming a paying customer. 

While the message should be customer-centric, all communication in business must meet the needs of both the business and the audience. As we have discussed before, knowing your audience, and I mean really KNOWING them, will allow you to craft content and offers that will bring them in, and keep them in your circle, eventually converting them to clients.



You might be wondering; how do I know my audience and how do I create messages for them? I’m so glad you asked that because that is exactly what I train people just like YOU to do!

The first step is knowing your audience. When you sit down to create content, put yourself on the other side of it – as the consumer, what content would you want to receive? What content would pull you in and cause you to want to learn more? When you answer that question, you can more easily create content that will be centered on your audience! For more on knowing your audience, click HERE to read my last post on knowing your audience!

There are many more “steps” to becoming an effective, client-centered communicator. It takes time to learn, practice, and integrate the various techniques you can use to become a master communicator. Want to learn more? Click HERE to book a session with me. I would love to learn more about you and help you master your communication!

Thanks for stopping by!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!