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Uncategorized Oct 11, 2022

I’m sure you have heard the saying “knowledge is power”. It certainly is. Knowing things and being able to use them in the right ways is perhaps the ultimate power that one can attain. The best thing is that there is enough knowledge-power for everyone!

Today I want to share a little bit of knowledge with you about the power of words. Words are your greatest asset as a business owner (and they are free!!). Words have the power to build people up, create momentum, and motivate change. They are your most basic element, strongest catalyst, and versatile tool you have in your communication arsenal. The best part is that you have endless capacity for adding words to your toolbox, increasing your ability to create powerful messages that will resonate with those whom you wish to reach.


The ultimate goal of any business communication is to earn the loyalty of your customers. You want to attract and retain loyal paying clients who will trust you to provide a specific experience or service. In other words, you need to win the hearts of those who need your service and change the minds of those who need your service but don’t think they need it!

Here are 3 ways to use your words to ensure you do just that so you can build your rapport, credibility, and your client base!

1. Use the right language: I’m not talking about the language they speak, like Spanish or English, etc. Rather, use the specific words that will appeal to your audience, that will reach them on a deeper level and get them to respond a certain way (i.e. pay for your service, sign up for your email list, etc). When you speak their language, you earn their trust and their business! When you use the words that appeal to your ideal audience, you have the power to build your business on a client base that will not only be loyal to you but will also refer you to others that need your service!

PRO TIP: Not sure what words appeal to your audience? Try crafting the same message in 3 or 4 different ways. Use different words of impact in each iteration of your message and then test them all to see which version gets the desired response. You can also do a poll on social media or in your regular emails to your subscribers to see which words they are most likely to respond to.

2. Meet people where they are: As an expert in your field, it is expected that you will have a higher level of knowledge and understanding of your industry/jargon/standard practices than your audience. It can be easy to forget that your clients might be completely new to your service. You deal with the usual terms in your industry every day, but your clients may only hear them once every few years, or maybe they’ve never heard them.

I come across this a lot with realtors and lenders, especially those that have been in the industry for a long time. It is easy to fall into the routine of speaking in acronyms and verbal shorthand with clients because you are dealing with the ins and outs of real estate every single day. But you must be aware that your clients and audience may not know or understand any of those terms. A first-time homebuyer will have no idea what due diligence is or what the acronyms “RPA” or “REPC” mean. Make sure you spell out the information for your clients clearly and in plain terms so they can understand it.

The fastest way to lose your audience’s attention is to speak in terms they do not understand. Don’t make that mistake. Clarify, define, and clarify some more so that you know your clients understand! Meet your clients where they are and help them learn through your process. Education equals value, so give value at every possible chance!


3. Speak from a place of gratitude and empathy: Always speak (or write) from a place of gratitude and empathy. You know something or provide a service that can solve a problem for someone else. You don’t want to arrogantly flaunt that. Instead, tell your audience that you can solve their problem or provide a service to them because you have been in their shoes or because you have helped others in their same situation. When you speak to your audience and clients from a place of gratitude and empathy, you show them that you care about and value them and that you can provide solutions that will truly fulfill their needs!

Take your time to find the words that will reach your audience so you can create the responses you desire in them.

Thanks for stopping by! I’d love to help you refine your words and find the right ones to make an impact on your audience! Book a call or reach out to me on social media! I currently have openings for new coaching clients, and I would love to help you overcome your communication hurdles! Head on over to my resources page now! I can’t wait to connect with you!

I hope to see you soon!

Ciao for now!


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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!