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written communication Dec 28, 2021

Ok, the writing isn’t really on the wall but let’s talk about written communication. Writing is one of my favorite ways to communicate!

When you speak, your words are out there. You can’t take them back, you can’t change them, they are forever out in the world. But with writing, you can write, erase, re-write, erase again, edit, change, move things around…you get the idea. Written communication is the easiest to get just right. This also means that you have a responsibility to get it right!

Written communication can take on many forms. Common examples include email, reports, letters, and memos. To help you make sure your written communication is on the mark, regardless of the form or nature of the message, here are 4 tips to help make sure you get it right!

1. Tone is tricky. When you speak, you have the added benefit of body language and the nuances of your voice to help you with the tone of your message. In writing, you only have the words on the...

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