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Uncategorized Sep 20, 2022

Judgment. It is everywhere. Online, in person, zoom, over the phone…whenever you interact with people, there is some level of conscious or sub-conscious judgment occurring. When you run a business, people (aka: your audience and potential future clients) will judge you on many things, not the least of which is your use of language.

I know for some people, this can be a touchy subject, but the way we speak, write, and communicate in general provides a great amount of fodder for outside judgment. The bottom line is that if you are in business, and you want to grow your business, you MUST master your communication skills.

Now, “mastering” your communication skills looks different for everyone. Different industries require differing levels of vocabulary, speaking, writing, and grammar skills. Suffice it to say that not all levels of communication are created equal. 

For example, if you are a second-grade teacher, you aren’t going to need a huge vocabulary...

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Uncategorized Sep 13, 2022

Today I am doing something a little different for Talk-O Tuesday and sharing some things that I’m sure any entrepreneur can relate to! In the few short years I have been on my business journey, I have learned that most of us have, at some point, felt like we didn’t know enough to start a business or that we wouldn’t be enough of an expert to make a difference in someone’s life. 

As a business owner, it can be hard to build the confidence and find the courage to put yourself out there. The business world is large and intimidating so it is natural to feel inadequate or to suffer from imposter syndrome, especially in the beginning. I promise you, every single business owner out there has had those thoughts and feelings at least a few times in their business journey, so you are not alone. The key is to not let those thoughts and emotions hold you back. 

It is important for you to know that you are not alone when you question your ability and...

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Uncategorized Sep 06, 2022

Just do it. Three little words that are intended to inspire you to take action or get out of your own way and get something done. It sounds like great advice, it sounds motivational, and let’s not forget that Nike has built their entire empire on those three little words.

But being told to “just do it” when you aren’t even sure what “it” is can be difficult. When you hire a coach for any aspect of your business, you likely do so because you need guidance and direction in that area. For a coach that you have invested in to tell to “just do it” is a total disappointment and a waste of money.

Imagine hiring a chef to teach you to how to cook. You grab an apron and head to the kitchen to meet them. You arrive and the chef tells you to make a Huntsman Pie and then leaves. (If you don’t know what a Huntsman Pie is, google it…it is considered one of the most difficult dishes to make.) You are left standing in the kitchen facing a...

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Uncategorized Aug 30, 2022

I love speaking to large groups. People tend to look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that, but it is true. I love to speak and share my message with others. You might not be as crazy as me and crave a large audience, but you might find yourself in a position where you are speaking to a small group, giving a presentation, training someone, or simply leading a meeting.

Whatever the situation, you need to be able to confidently convey your information, so today I am giving you my 4 tips for getting comfortable speaking to others! These simple changes will help you build confidence in yourself so you can deliver your message in a meaningful way!


Let’s dive in!

1. SLOW DOWN – The number one issue I encounter with clients is that they try to go 90 when the speed limit is 60. You have to slow down when you speak to people. It is a natural reaction to speak quickly when you are nervous or uncomfortable. Your brain wants to get through the situation as quickly...

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Uncategorized Aug 23, 2022

There’s a lot of talk these days about being authentic, genuine, real, etc. It is great advice really. People are attracted to authenticity, they want to see realness in the people they follow, they want to relate to them and see that at the end of the day, we are all just human.

This past year I have focused my articles on ways to help you be a better communicator. I have given you tips and tricks for all sorts of situations in which you might need to communicate urgency or give a presentation, lead a group, convey information, or speak in public. I focused a lot on providing value through information and while I know that information is valuable, even more so is the impact that real life stories can have on you and your business.

In this next year, I am going to go a step further and instead of just providing you with valuable information, I am going to give you that information in the form of stories whenever possible. Stories from my life and experiences as well as...

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Uncategorized Aug 16, 2022

I like running. Not so much the act of running but the way I feel after I’m done running. I feel like I can do A N Y T H I N G when I finish a run! I’m really slow and don’t have the endurance I used to have, but I can at least say that I enjoy the process of running more than I have in a long time.

I started running in 2010 and I have learned over the years that there are two types of runners out there: the sprinters and marathoners. Sprinters are fast as lightning but fizzle out in a hurry. They are all gas and no brakes. Marathoners on the other hand, know how to pace themselves, they understand that they have 5, 10, 26, or 50 miles to go so they better not use all their energy in the first thirty seconds.

Communication is the same. It is a marathon that requires constant and consistent training, practice, and performance in order to get better!

Sometimes we think of communication as a sprint, but I want you to think of it as a long-term process – a...

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Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022

Welcome to my blog! If this is your first time, thank for stopping by. If you have been here before, welcome back!! I am so glad you are here! Today I am deviating a little from the usually informative article centered on some issue that can be solved through communication. Today, I am celebrating!

You see, this is my 53rd weekly post. That means that every week for one whole year, I have shared nuggets of information and inspiration with you all! Today I am going to reflect on my own growth through the past year!

In 2021 I decided I needed to add a blog to my website. I wanted a way to put content out there that didn’t depend on social media and that I could keep in one place for easy access. But did you know that I put off publishing that first article (a simple introductory post, not much to it…) for over 3 months? I, like so many others who are taking the plunge into something new, was afraid. But not in the way you might think. 

I wasn’t afraid that no...

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Uncategorized Aug 02, 2022

I love building jigsaw puzzles. I don’t do them as often as I’d like but I truly enjoy kicking the other half of my brain in gear and fitting those funky looking pieces of cardboard together. The problem-solver in me gets so excited at the idea of taking a pile of cardboard pieces, sorting them out, and putting them together to form a complete picture. 

At the risk of crossing into total nerd-status here, I’m going to share a little story! One night last year, as I was perusing Amazon (this should be a national pastime…I can spend hours on Amazon…anyone else??), I came across an awesome puzzle of the zodiac symbols. I HAD to have it…but there was something about it, it was ROUND…I don’t know about you, but I didn’t even know puzzles came any way other than rectangular. I was intrigued, so I clicked “buy now” and the next day I had this new puzzle on my doorstep.

Giddy as can be, I dove into that box ready to...

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Uncategorized Jul 26, 2022

Emotions are key players in almost everything we do. Fear, excitement, anger, and pride are just a few of the emotions that influence our behavior on a regular basis. The way you communicate is no exception to the impact of your emotions. As a business professional or someone in leadership, you need to become an expert at using and controlling your emotions. 

If you check out any recent articles about leadership, professionalism, or business in general, you will likely come across the term “emotional intelligence”. It might be the latest buzzword in the business world, but emotional intelligence is something that is important for your success.

But what is emotional intelligence? Loosely defined, emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, interpret, and control emotions. Now, I don’t like the term “emotional intelligence”. It makes it sound like you can learn what you need to know about emotions in a book and that’s it. I prefer the...

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Uncategorized Jul 19, 2022

I went to the movies last weekend. My son and I are die-hard Marvel Cinematic Universe fans so naturally we saw the new Thor movie. It was terrific and we were not disappointed. Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman filled their roles as the main actors beautifully and the supporting cast complemented them very well. 

Once the movie was over, I started thinking about the role of a main character and the importance of the supporting actors. 

Just like in movies, your communication strategy should have one main “character” and then several strong supporting characters. The strategy will be different for some of you but as a rule of thumb, in a client-facing business, you should always have face to face or voice to voice communication as your main form of communication. In your amazing supporting cast, should be text, email, social media, and printed communication. 

People crave real connection. You can use that desire for connection to showcase your...

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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!