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Uncategorized Mar 15, 2022

I believe in the power of wordsmithing and storytelling. People like to hear a story, something they can relate to and understand. But how do we take the mundane and technical information we need our clients to have and make it so they will enjoy discussing it? Through figurative language.


In grade school we learned that figurative language is classified into things like analogies and metaphors. I try not to be so technical about it. Figurative language is simply using an example or story to lend context and explain something in a way others can understand.

Today I want to share 3 things to keep in mind when expanding your communication to include figurative language.

1. It is memorable. Figurative language can help you craft your message in a more memorable way. There’s this line from the movie Cars where Mater says “I’m happier than a tornado in a trailer park.” This happens at the end when the beat-up old tow truck finally gets the chance to fly in...

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Uncategorized Mar 08, 2022

This month I am writing about ways to build confidence through communication. Before we can really focus on being confident, we need to start by unlearning the art of apology. 

For some reason, people tend to think they are inconveniencing others when they send an email or make a phone call. Sometimes we feel like we are bothering someone or interrupting their day when we reach out to them, but I am here to tell you to STOP thinking that way. 

Most of us are capable communicators. While we all have differing skill levels, we have the ability to communicate in some way. Some people are great writers, some are strong orators, other’s feel more comfortable observing and relaying information through body language and non-verbal cues. All of these are wonderful ways to communicate! 

I have noticed a trend in which individuals use apologetic phrases in their communication. These phrases make you sound weak and unsure of yourself, which, if I had to guess, is that...

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Uncategorized Mar 01, 2022

I haven’t lost my mind…well, not entirely anyway. I know the adage is “hind-sight is 20/20,” but hear me out and I’ll show you why it should be 80/20!

If you have been around here for more than a minute, you know that one of my pillars of exceptional communication is the ability to say more with less. Far too often we go on blabbering about nothing when we just need to get to the point.

One of my goals for 2022 was to make it a point to read at least two pages of a physical book every single day this year. Why only 2? Because reading relaxes me to the point of hypnosis and the book usually slams me in the forehead a few paragraphs in…so I committed to reading at least 2 pages a day with a final goal to reach 20 books read and at least 10 consumed via audible. (In case you are wondering, I have made my daily goal so far, completed 3 physical books and 1 audible book)

Why is this important? It’s not…except that it is…that 1...

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Uncategorized Feb 22, 2022

Sometimes in business (and life) situations may arise that require some uncomfortable conversations. While no one likes these types of conversations, they are often necessary to keep your business on track and to allow you to grow in the ways you desire.

Part of running a business or being a leader is solving problems. As I have said before, communication is the most powerful tool you have in your business toolbox. Yet, it is also the most under-utilized. You wouldn’t use a drill at half power to make holes in concrete, so why are you using a fraction of your communication skills to grow and run a business or lead a group? 

Like power tools, you must learn how to use your communication “tools” more effectively to get the job done. Since these skills are not thoroughly taught in schools or even in most business degree programs, you are left to figure it out on your own. 

While each situation will be different, there are a few things you can do in every...

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Uncategorized Feb 15, 2022

If you are in the service industry, you would likely agree that the level of service in a lot of businesses has declined greatly over the last couple of years. Staffing issues, uncertainty, forced closures, and a plethora of other things have stretched even the strongest among us to the breaking point. 

In the current world, we are all competing for our clients’ attention as well as their business. With so many of us out there hustlin’ and bustlin’, how do we attract clients to work with us, instead of with our competitors? Through amazing customer service, based on clear and frequent communication, and genuine care for your clients.

I attended a meeting last week where someone asked the question: how do we improve our communication? Now, I wasn’t running the meeting, so I didn’t blurt out a bunch of stuff, but I did hop into the chat and add my favorite ways to improve communication. Today, I will share those with you!

1. PRACTICE. I know I have...

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Uncategorized Feb 08, 2022

In 2019, right in the thick of working on my master’s in communication, I had the opportunity to visit the gorgeous country of Colombia. It was magical, beautiful, and I wish I’d had more than 6 days to enjoy it. I met the most amazing people, ate the most amazing food, and saw some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. One of those places was the salt mine at Zipaquira. It was awesome! When I was done walking through it, I visited the gift shop to see what kind of goodies I could procure to bring home.

This would prove a little difficult since I didn’t speak Spanish and the nice lady at the counter didn’t speak English. Our conversation was quickly lost in translation because we had no idea what each other was saying. Luckily, I had Google translate on my phone and we were able to communicate using that as our translator! (I may or may not have left with a Colombian emerald ring and way too many trinkets to count…).

Remembering that...

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leadership Feb 01, 2022

If you have been around here for a while, you know that I talk a lot about communication (I mean, it IS my thing…so go figure) and I talk mostly about how communication is the key element to success in so many areas of your life, especially your business or professional life.

So much of what we discuss here at 10-4 has to do with how communication influences this or that and how you can bolster your success by improving your skills. Today I am going to keep it simple and give you my three-step practical process for ensuring your communication is flowing like water! 

I learned this process when I was in the military, where communication in a platoon of 50 plus Marines, is paramount to mission success! This simple process helps you maintain open communication and ensures everyone has the information they need to be successful.

The simple process consists of 3 questions you ask yourself:

  1. WHAT do I know?
  2. WHO needs to know it? 
  3. HAVE I told them? 

Let’s apply...

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Uncategorized Jan 25, 2022

What if I told you that business is dependent on relationships? Oh wait, I have told you that! I need you to really hear me though, so it bears repeating. (In case you need a refresher, click HERE to read my last post about building relationships )

In order to sustain your business, you need to build and nurture relationships with your clients and audience. You do this through your communication. In the age of social media, instant gratification, constant connection, and less in-person contact, your communication game must be top-notch. You need to be able to cut through the noise and get your voice heard. While that is easier said than done, there are ways you can improve your communication to help get you on the right track to building strong, business-sustaining relationships that will help you achieve your goals!

In an article about conflict resolution between students, the University of Michigan used the acronym LARA when detailing how students can address conflict in...

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Uncategorized Jan 18, 2022

Do you want to know what my biggest business pet peeve is? When someone I don’t know messages me on social media with a “hey I’m doing a drawing where you can win this or that and all you have to do is share this post or that post…”

Seriously, these messages are the biggest turn off ever. It’s like the sender is throwing a pot of spaghetti at the wall and hoping that some of it sticks. If that is how you like to do business, you might want to skip this post, but if you are like me and prefer to get to know people first, keep reading.

If you have been a victim of the above type of cold-messaging-wannabe-business communication, you know that your first reaction is to just delete the message. That’s usually what I do. If you are the person sending such messages and hoping that just one or two people take you up on your offer, let me tell you, there is a BETTER way!

I am going to let you in on a little secret (it’s really not that secret,...

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Uncategorized Jan 11, 2022

Communication is essential in both our personal and professional lives. In order to be successful, we need to be credible–one of the best ways to achieve credibility is through effective communication. 

As a business owner, you need and want people to want to listen to you. You want your ideal customers to seek you out and crave your content. The hardest part of reaching your audience is ensuring your communication is effective. 

This week, we are discussing a few things you can do to make sure that your content and communication builds your credibility with your current and potential customers, so they come back for more! 

  1. Do your research. One of the easiest ways to build credibility through your content is to do research before you say (or write) a word. There is nothing worse than giving false information when you are supposed to be an expert on something. By doing your research, you can craft content that is accurate and can be backed up if someone...
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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!