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The butterflies in your stomach, the racing heart, the sweaty palms – pre-speech anxiety is a common challenge many of us face in our journey to the stage. Whether it is your first time, or your fiftieth, managing nerves is a crucial skill for delivering a powerful and impactful presentation. In today’s article, we will explore some practical tips to help you navigate these anxious moments.

  1. Accept and Reframe Your Nervous Energy: Nervousness is not your enemy; it is a natural response to a perceived challenge. It is also a sign that you care about your performance, and you want to deliver a high-quality impactful speech. Instead of trying to eliminate your nerves, focus on reframing their energy as excitement and enthusiasm. Remember, the body doesn’t know the difference between nervous energy and excited energy, it just knows the energy! When you change how you perceive that energy, you can transform your performance anxiety into a powerful tool for enhancing...
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Uncategorized Nov 07, 2023

As a communication and speaking coach, I emphasize a critical but frequently overlooked aspect of public speaking: that it is not just what you say, but how you say it. In any situation, articulate and nuanced delivery can elevate your words from mundane to memorable. When speaking to audiences, large and small, this should be at the center of your speech prep!

First, consider the foundational elements of speech: articulation, enunciation, and voice inflection. Clear articulation ensures that each word is given its due, making your message clear and accessible. Proper enunciation is just as important, as it helps to prevent any misunderstandings that can arise from slurred or muddled words. Together, these elements ensure that your words are not just heard, but also understood.

The journey to an impactful speech doesn’t end there though! Voice inflection is the secret sauce that adds flavor to your message. Just as a chef uses a variety of ingredients to create a complex dish,...

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Uncategorized Oct 24, 2023

You want to be a speaker, but the stage is a scary place. At least in your mind it is. If you have never been on stage solo or in the spotlight, it can be overwhelming to think about how you might handle the pressure of performing well.

First of all, I need you to remember that you don’t have to do this alone. Preparing to speak on stage, whether it is your first time or your fiftieth, takes guidance and practice. In the beginning it is a journey from a place of hesitancy and fear to one of standing tall and speaking your truth for everyone to hear. 

In this transformation from timid to triumphant, I am here to guide you every step of the way! And what better way to get started than to dive into my five key strategies you can employ to dramatically boost your confidence and stage presence.

1. Master Your Mindset. The first step in achieving a powerful stage presence is conquering your mind. You must first believe that you can take the stage and have an impact on your...

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Uncategorized Oct 17, 2023

You’ve made the decision to step on stage. Congratulations! But now you must decide what to say and how to say it. There is almost always more than one way to say something. But how you say it can be the game-changer in any situation. 

When we get on stage or in front of a group, we often speak in the way we speak normally. And for some of you, timid and apologetic are the names of your speaking game. 

But you should not be apologetic when taking the stage. You should be able to step up there with confidence and grace, knowing that you deserve to be there and proving it to the crowd through the words you use.

Today I want to focus on a few key phrases you can change in your regular everyday speech so that when you take the stage, you will already feel more confident in your ability to speak with power and meaning! 

Five Ways to Elevate Your Voice

  1. Say 'Thank You' Instead of 'I'm Sorry': Next time you're late, instead of saying, "Sorry I'm late," try, "Thank you...
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Uncategorized Oct 10, 2023

Have you ever felt a pang of anxiety at the thought of speaking in front of a crowd? Or maybe you've heard some "advice" that made public speaking seem even more daunting? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, you are not alone. 

Public speaking can be intimidating, but it's also an incredible opportunity to make an impact and share your message with the world. With all the advice, how-to info, and other ideas about how you should approach the stage to speak, it can be easy to feel like you are unqualified to speak or present to an audience. 

I believe that every single one of us has a story, a message, and a lesson to share with the world. I want you to feel empowered and inspired to take the stage so today, I am setting the record straight and debunking some common myths about public speaking that might be holding you back.

Myth 1: Public Speaking is an Innate Talent

Reality: This is a pervasive myth. The truth is, public speaking is a skill that can be...

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Uncategorized Oct 03, 2023

Ladies, have you ever found yourself daydreaming about standing on a stage, mic in hand, captivating an audience with your words? Whether it's a virtual conference or an in-person event, the stage is calling your name. And guess what? You are more than ready to answer that call!

Today I am sharing with you my 3P process for taking the stage with confidence in your voice and power in your message! If you are, or want to be, a speaker or presenter, or if you are in a role where you speak in front of people often, this article is for you!

Before we dive in, I want you to think about why public speaking is so important for women. When women take the stage, it is about more than just sharing information; it is about making an impact, inspiring change, and leaving a lasting impression. When you speak, you have the power to influence opinions, drive action, and even alter the course of someone's life. If you are ready to harness that power and make your voice heard, keep reading!

My 3P...

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Uncategorized Sep 19, 2023

Communication is the foundation upon which any successful business is built. Yet, for women navigating the world of business, communicating effectively often feels like an uphill battle.

As the amazing Simon Sinek once said, "Communication is not about speaking what we think; it's about ensuring others hear what we mean." This couldn't be truer for female entrepreneurs. In competitive, male-dominated industries, it can be difficult to get your message out there and have your voice find its way through all the noise. If you've ever felt like nailing your communication is a steep climb, this article is for you! 

Let's dive into the unique communication challenges women face in the business world and how to overcome them.

The Not-So-Level Playing Field

Let’s call it like we see it. Society's norms and stereotypes do not play fair. Women in business have an extra set of hurdles to jump over, compared to their male counterparts, especially when it comes to being heard,...

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Uncategorized Sep 12, 2023

Picture building your dream home. You wouldn't just slap some bricks together and hope for the best, right? Nope! You'd start with a rock-solid foundation to keep that house standing tall. The same is true for your business: the foundation is built on your communication skills.

Much like the intricate process of constructing a home, developing your flourishing business also requires starting with a strong foundation. This foundation is made of the relationships you build with your clients, colleagues, and referral partners. At the heart of these robust relationships is the key to your success: clear, consistent, and effective communication.


To guide you through the nuances of establishing your rock-solid foundation, here are four fundamental principles you should consider:

1. Be Clear, Win Big: Keep your messages crisp and straightforward. It's like setting that first layer of concrete in your home's foundation. No frills are needed; just clear and simple dialogue. This paves...

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Uncategorized Aug 22, 2023

In business, building relationships with your ideal clients and potential referral partners is the linchpin to success. But what's the secret sauce to connect and resonate with these crucial contacts? It is the alignment of your communication.

Imagine trying to convert a potential client with a fantastic pitch, but your facial expressions say one thing while your posture tells yet a different story. Or consider a scenario where your written communication doesn't reflect your spoken words. These disconnects create confusion and mistrust, turning an opportunity into an obstacle.

When your written, verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication are in perfect alignment, they form a coherent and persuasive narrative. Aligned communication builds trust, credibility, and understanding, which are essential elements for cultivating long-term relationships with your clients. Remember, communication in your business is not simply about providing information; it is about creating an experience...

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Uncategorized Aug 15, 2023

Your business is about far more than simply executing transactions. At its core, it needs to be built on relationships—relationships between you and your clients, between you and other agents, between you and your lenders, and between you and the communities you serve. While challenging in many ways, the current market is the perfect landscape to create, build, and foster long-lasting relationships with those who will help feed your business when the market changes.

Interest rates, home prices, low inventory, and high demand are making the market extremely volatile and challenging. While business has certainly slowed from what we all experienced in 2020 and 2021, the market has provided us with the chance to get back to basics and learn how to do business in a sustainable way.

If you were in the real estate industry in any capacity from early 2020 through early 2022, you likely worked 27 hours a day, 8 days a week. You didn’t have a life, you barely had time to breathe...

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Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!