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Uncategorized May 03, 2022

There is no “I” in team, but there is definitely “YOU” in commYOUnication. Communication is a process that begins with you, and no one can do it exactly like you do. We all have our own communication style, quips and quirks that are unique to us, and ways of saying things that set us apart from the crowd.

Communication is a huge umbrella that covers a variety of skills, topics, and practices. Perhaps this is why so many people feel inadequately prepared to communicate confidently. In school, we only have so much time to learn how to format an essay or story and we usually pick up new words for our vocabulary toolbox along the way. But these are very basic skills, and we all absorb them at different levels. 

It is the not-so-basic skills that we really need to be taught. Today I am going to share a few of those with you. Now, these are all aspects of communication that we have discussed before, so there’s nothing new here, but the importance of...

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Uncategorized Apr 26, 2022

Have you ever received an email asking you to do something that you thought could wait a while, only to find out you needed to do it sooner? What was it about that email that led you to believe the task or request could wait until you remembered to come back to it? On the flip side, when you get an email or a phone message that is asking you to complete a task and you do it immediately, what is it about that message that causes you to comply with the request as soon as you receive it?



Last week, a friend of mine was talking about an experience she had with the elementary school her daughter attends. A few weeks back, she received an email from the school office that went something like this:

Dear Parent,

In reviewing your child’s vaccination record, we see that she is due for her Polio vaccine.
Please let us know when this has been completed.

Thank you,
Elementary School

Being the busy mom, wife, and business owner that my friend is, she filed this task in her...

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Uncategorized Apr 19, 2022

Last week I touched a bit on the importance of knowing your audience. This is a deep topic that can’t be covered in one or two blog posts, but we can touch on the basics to help get you started in the right direction!

Once you have taken the time and put in the work to learn who your audience is and what they need and want, the next step is determining HOW to reach them.

When you identify your audience, part of that process should include figuring out the ways they prefer to communicate and receive content. You must determine which media will have the greatest reach and what ways your audience will best receive your information.

You might be wondering how you can figure out the best way to reach your audience. I’d be lying if I told you it was a quick and easy process, but with a little time and research you can figure it out!

You want to start by asking yourself a few questions about your audience:

  1. How does my audience consume information?
  2. What kind of media do they...
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Uncategorized Apr 12, 2022

Communication is the basis of all interpersonal relationships. Business relationships are no exception, and the success of those relationships relies heavily on the communication between the business and its target audience.

Great communication skills are one of the most valuable assets you can bring into your business. When you speak (or write) with confidence and clarity, conveying the right message in the right context, you build credibility and rapport with your audience. This is the difference between success and failure.

Business communications must be centered on the customer, therefore, messages used in business communication should be centered on the customer. Messages are much more effective when they are client-centered versus when they are business-centered. People want to know how they will benefit from using your product or service, not how their patronage benefits your business. 

When your messages reflect the interests and concerns of...

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Uncategorized Apr 05, 2022

Have you ever been in one those situations where you later realized that you could have had a much better result if you had used different words? I know I have. I would bet that most of us have been in a situation like that. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we are trying to achieve that we just bulldoze our way into it without thinking about how to most effectively get there.

This post will shed a little light on how using the right words may help lead you to clearer communication and greater success not just in business, but in everyday life!

Back to bulldozing our way to an objective. Let’s say you need some documentation from someone, perhaps a signed contract or a copy of an invoice. Let’s also say you need said documentation yesterday, so it is urgent that you receive it as soon as possible. In this digital age, you might type up an email as your first method of obtaining the information. Email is terrific because it allows you the time to think about what you...

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Uncategorized Mar 29, 2022

Do you have trouble saying what’s on your mind? Some people seem to be able to say what they need to say so flawlessly while some of us fumble and stumble over our words. Some of this fumbling and stumbling can be attributed to lack of practice or training, but a good portion of it is due to a lack of confidence and fear of how others will interpret what you say.

While there are multiple ways to say things, there’s usually one or two ways that are better than others. In professional settings or in client relations, you need to be direct but also considerate. Sometimes it is easy to be direct, but the consideration of the other party may get left out.

Today I want to share with you 7 ways you can say what you need to say in the best possible way and get a better response!

1. If you are late or a meeting is delayed - Instead of saying “Sorry for the delay” or “Sorry I’m late” try saying “Thanks for your patience.”

2. When setting...

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Uncategorized Mar 22, 2022

I talk a lot about building confidence in your communication. I know it is easier to talk about confidence than it is to build it, but hopefully you are finding it a little bit easier each week as you stop by to see what we are up to at 10-4!

This week, I want to take a step back and break down my free guide for you. This guide (click HERE to grab it if you haven’t already!) outlines some of my top ways to help you easily build confidence in your ability to communicate and will have you communicating greatly in no time! Today I’m going to highlight 3 of those tricks you can use immediately!

1. STOP SAYING “UMM” We all do it. It isn’t something we think about, it is just a sound that comes from our voice when we can’t figure out what to make it say. When you are communicating in a professional setting, “umm” can be detrimental to your message, your credibility, and your business. If someone asks you a question or says something that...

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Uncategorized Mar 15, 2022

I believe in the power of wordsmithing and storytelling. People like to hear a story, something they can relate to and understand. But how do we take the mundane and technical information we need our clients to have and make it so they will enjoy discussing it? Through figurative language.


In grade school we learned that figurative language is classified into things like analogies and metaphors. I try not to be so technical about it. Figurative language is simply using an example or story to lend context and explain something in a way others can understand.

Today I want to share 3 things to keep in mind when expanding your communication to include figurative language.

1. It is memorable. Figurative language can help you craft your message in a more memorable way. There’s this line from the movie Cars where Mater says “I’m happier than a tornado in a trailer park.” This happens at the end when the beat-up old tow truck finally gets the chance to fly in...

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Uncategorized Mar 08, 2022

This month I am writing about ways to build confidence through communication. Before we can really focus on being confident, we need to start by unlearning the art of apology. 

For some reason, people tend to think they are inconveniencing others when they send an email or make a phone call. Sometimes we feel like we are bothering someone or interrupting their day when we reach out to them, but I am here to tell you to STOP thinking that way. 

Most of us are capable communicators. While we all have differing skill levels, we have the ability to communicate in some way. Some people are great writers, some are strong orators, other’s feel more comfortable observing and relaying information through body language and non-verbal cues. All of these are wonderful ways to communicate! 

I have noticed a trend in which individuals use apologetic phrases in their communication. These phrases make you sound weak and unsure of yourself, which, if I had to guess, is that...

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Uncategorized Mar 01, 2022

I haven’t lost my mind…well, not entirely anyway. I know the adage is “hind-sight is 20/20,” but hear me out and I’ll show you why it should be 80/20!

If you have been around here for more than a minute, you know that one of my pillars of exceptional communication is the ability to say more with less. Far too often we go on blabbering about nothing when we just need to get to the point.

One of my goals for 2022 was to make it a point to read at least two pages of a physical book every single day this year. Why only 2? Because reading relaxes me to the point of hypnosis and the book usually slams me in the forehead a few paragraphs in…so I committed to reading at least 2 pages a day with a final goal to reach 20 books read and at least 10 consumed via audible. (In case you are wondering, I have made my daily goal so far, completed 3 physical books and 1 audible book)

Why is this important? It’s not…except that it is…that 1...

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50% Complete

Leverage Your Words, Conquer Your World! 

Are you in the people business but have a hard time really reaching those you serve? Do you feel like you say one thing and your clients hear another? If this is you, then don't wait any longer. Go grab my free guide to get started with the skills YOU need to become a greater communicator!